【Animal Crossing New Horizons】Fishes in April that makes money【ACNH】

Today, im going to show you fishes that can be sold in high prices in April!

It can be convenient to remember which fishes can be sold.

(Like when you’re full of item and had to release one of your fish)

April Fishes that can be sold in high price



Sold:4000 Bells

Fish Shadow:Big


Sold:1300 Bells

Fish Shadow:Really Small

Pop-eyed goldfish

Sold:1300 Bells

Fish Shadow:Really Small

Why is it sold the same price as goldfish…? Why…?


Snapping Turtle

Sold:5000 Bells

Fish Shadow:Big

Quite rare. But easy to find because of the same shadow as Black Bass.


Sold:1300 Bells

Fish Shadow:Really Small


Sea Horse

Sold:1100 Bells

Fish Shadow:Really Small


Sold:1000 Bells

Fish Shadow:Small

Butterfly Fish

Sold:1000 Bells

Fish Shadow:Small

Barred Knifejaw

Sold:5000 Bells

Fish Shadow:Big

Sold in high price. Can be found quite a lot.

Red Snapper

Sold:3000 Bells

Fish Shadow:Big

Sold in high price as Barred Knifejaw.


Sold:9000 Bells

Fish Shadow:Really Big

Can be found actually quite often. (Even though it’s rare.)

Sold in 9000 bells.

If you find fish shadow that is bigger then Sea Bass, you should take the chance and try it.
